Saturday, June 12, 2010

I spent more time doing maths in the last week than fangirling

Once you've gotten past the shock...

yes... its (i feel ashamed to say) true

for the past week I have been doing an average of 4hrs of maths EVERYDAY.

I'm actually in the midst of catching upon blog translations (as usual =.=")

but then I saw a tweet that caught my eye

"Maachan subbing for Yukirin in her solo...." -BunnyKasui

Me: there's another macchan in AKB? hmm weird...i thought I knew everyone

brain: BAKA. you do know everyone!

Me:oh yea....HUH?! wait. that means MY MACCHAN was singing A SOLO? like on stage where everyone can see and not on a CD where her name was mispelt?

brain:yea you 'tard -facepalm-
(I am WELL aware that my brain does not have a hand or a face)

Me: YAY~~~~ -happy dance-

well that's it folks~

nah, I'm just messing with you ^^

how can I not share something so moe?<3

Kyaa&lt;3 I knew you were my favourite underdog for a reason<3

so moed right now *tehehe*

and yea I'm still recovering form the shock senbatsu results

if fact I've stuck them in the front of my folder just so I can stare at it everyday

so I might actually get over the shock by the end of the week~

I would post some long and analytical but I'm a slacker XP

so I'll just link to Rain's post *tehehe*

back to translating~ (gawd. I'm only on the 22nd of May -dies-)

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