Tuesday, March 30, 2010


ok fine. yea you already knew that > <


I know i hella of a slow on these things but I'm like that ok.


1DKL this is teh holy grail.

1DKL translated this is teh holy grail translated.

This all thanks to Donmai ^^

so go clicky~

NB: should really ask for permission before linking =.="

Tuesday, March 16, 2010




Sunday, March 14, 2010

Team K 6th Stage "RESET"

How's everyone been? ^^

I think I've finally gotten over the whole Team shuffle thing XD

Well Team K's 6th Stage has STARTED~

and now I'm gonna do a summary that's gonna take me longer than the time it took me to watch it...

because I love you guyz thaaaaaaaaat  much! <3

I would post videos if I could but YT is being gay and any AKB stage vids would be taken down within a day

but good news is you can DL it from H!O

One warning though if you are looking for accurate translations this is NOT the place for it :(

but it is the place if you want a fangirl view of the stage and a dose of humour to cover up the holes in my lack

language skills ^^
So without further a due here's Bokchoy's summary of  Team K 6th Stage "RESET"

there's was an opening act but I can't be bothered so lets just skip to the actual show shall we? ^^

AKB overture

"AKB48~! Everybody! and live like you've never seen before. *?* Akihabara. These angels have come down to perform for YOU! Are you ready? ARE YOU READY~?!?! A-K-B-48! A-K-B-48!! C'mon ARE YOU READY?!"

[this is actually said in English like proper english not japaniglish.]


Opening song is always named after the stage.. or is it the other way around? *shrugs* 
This song had all 16 members participating and also EVERY member is here for the shinoichi *yay*
I like this song it was an energetic opening to the stage and have you noticed that Sae's height stands out a lot more now? maybe its because she surrounded by more midgets XD
and their uniform is cool. Its like saying "We've got a new Team K army bitchez!"
Unfortunately I don't have the lyrics but I will link them as soon as Studio48 has them ^^
and I am trying to limit the number of screenshots and to include everybody, not just the screenshoots Sae's in ^^"

Sentaku mono tachi
[ehh?.. is there a wardrobe malfunction?]
 [OMG AKB~ strip show~!!]

Just joking ^^" its just a costume change.
This song roughly translate to 'the things that need to be washed' 0.o weird name... maybe it'll make more sense once I read the lyrics. This song was more 'cute' than RESET but not one of my favs. but hey, all AKB songs grow on me. I mean even 'Namida Surprise' grew on me so much that I listened to it on repeat...
I must applaud them for the dance they were so in sync ^^
Oh. I havn't told you guyz this but they only had like a week or so to rehearse for this 'cause they had stuff to shoot in Guam (well the front girls did). 
oh yea, and during the song...
Tomo got hit buy Yuko's skirt XDD
and in the end they hang up the washing LOL.

Kanojou ni naremasuka

[continues with strip show~]
[I can't help it I'm a fangirl...]

I loved this song! Its more 'Team K styled', well I think it is...
This song means something like 'Can I be that girl?'.  Well from what I can understand from the lyrics they say ' Can I be your girlfriend?' [kyaa~<3 yes. yes what ever you want~]
And I like their costume for this song too~

[LOL. Sayaka is Donkey Kong?]

Em. well this song is self explanatory from the screencaps ^^" 
It was up-beat and Sayaka was hilarious XD
Its the last song before we start the unit songs~

MC 1 - Self Introductions
Well I was gonna translate these but the MCs weren't on memolist and I pretty much fail if I try to do things by ear so I'll just screencap the new Team K.

"Hai~ I'm 17 year old Nito Moeno."
Moeno goes on talk to talk about the Team and something about wanting to make more 'love' for the 

"Good evening everyone. I graduated from High School! I'm Team K's Itano Tomomi."
LOL. Tomochin you really should introduce yourself before telling people you graduated from High School...

 "Hai~ I'm 21 year old Oshima Yuko."
Also the resident Team K midget (she's 2nd shortest in AKB I think...). She goes on to say that everyone is sweating (everyone worked hard) and no-one is not sweating, especially Sayaka.
Sayaka: Acting like a Gorilla makes you sweaty~

Sae: Hai~ my catchphrase is Genking! I'm 19 Year old Miyazawa Sae.yoroshiku onegaishimasu
Audience: *cheer*
Sae: Thankyou~. Well I... even though I was in Team K before.. the new Team K is totally different from the previous. And now that we've stepped on this stage every this has bee "RESET".

How'd I know what Sae was saying and not everyone else? well. We have a telepathic connection XD
[the truth is all the things Sae said was simple...]

"*she says her catchphrase which is something about Kira Kira power* I'm 16 Year old Ono Erena but you can call me Erepyon."

"I'm 18 year old Nonaka Misato."
Her nickname is Mii but uh other than that I've got nothing...

"Hai~ I'm 17 year old Minegeshi Minami."
Nickname is miichan, former Team A

This is 21 year old Sayaka Akimoto former un-official captain of Team K but now Official Captain of Team K. She's also the oldest in the team now.

1st year senior high student, 16 year old Uchida Mayumi. Nickname Uchi.
She started crying half way through her speech. Also former RS

Former Team B member, Yonezawa Rumi. Nickname Yonechan

1st year Senior high student, 16 year old Nakatsuka Tomomi. Former Team  B

AKB's breaker, Umeda Ayaka nickname Umechan.

 16 year old Kikuchi Ayaka. nickname Ayarin (other nickname Onigiri) currently part of AKB sub-group Watariroka Hashiritai.

Tanabe Miku, nickname Tanamin. Former Team B

1st year senior high, 16 year old Fujie Reina. Nickname Reinyan adn former Team A

 19 year old Matsui Sachiko. Former RS.

Self-introductions finished. now... LET THE UNIT SONGS BEGIN~!

Seifuku Resistance

Tomochin's unit song Seifuku Resistanse (lit. Uniform resistance), the two other members are Erepyon and Moeno. As expected former Team A frontgirl/ Shibuya-neesan would get her own unit song. But their voices actually go remarkably well together. Also Moeno can sound really sexy when she wants to ^^

Kiseki wa mani awanai
warning pic sapm!

SAE'S UNIT SONG!!!!! Kisei wa mini iwanai means the miracle has come too late. Also in Sae's unit is Yonechan and Nonaka Misato . Well I thought that Sae's costume looked like a wardrobe malfunction between Lussuria and Dino... Sae was awsome and perfect in every aspect as usual but the song's vocals a little week in a couple of places but they only had a limited time to rehearse so yea... it didn't look like they were lip-syncing so its forgivable. But if they were lip-syncing then maybe their voices just don't harmonise well... I kinda did always expected Sae's voice to be stronger but what can I do? They even had a dance during the song and Sae did some hat tricks~
I like this song anyways~

Kyakuten Oujisama 

 Miichan's unit with Uchi and Nakatsuka Tomomi. This song is totaly moe. It was fun to listen to and the vocals were great~  
Uchi can really sing. and did I mention that it was REALLY cute?

Ashita no tame ni kiss wo

Sayaka's unit song with Tanamin Ongiri and Sachiko.The title means a kiss for tomorrow. What could I say? Its Sayaka she is THE voice. I have only one complaint about this song. WHY IS SAYAKA'S SKIRT SO LONG?! we don't see no abs or legs TT.TT. This song has a couple of english lines in it and of course they're sung by Sayaka the gajin fan bait XD. 

Kokoro no soba no sofa
 I LOVED IT! love it love it love it! Yuko's unit song with Reinyan and Umechan. The title means the Sofa close to my heart. This song was more of a main-stream pop rather than idol-pop you get what I mean? like I would buy this song, its that good. And the harmonies in this song are like PERFECT.
Reinyan and Yuko had better voices than I thought they had ^^

Reinyan, Yuko and umechan also did the 2nd MC. They talked about what their parents called each other and what they called their parents.
Umechan: I call them 'papa' and 'mama'
Reinyan: I call them father and mother.
the rest that I could understand doesn't make any sense by themselves so i'll just ignore it...


[sae: move it shorty. Its my turn to sing.]
[that face... -melts-]
The title means poisonous spider. I liked this song I'll rate it a 4/5 :) 
The vocals were actually pretty good~ and the melody was catchy. this is gonna be stuck in my head for a while...


Replay worthy song~
the title means mole cricket. 0.o The dance was really cool though ^^
and the solo lines were kick-ass!

White Day niwa...
The title means On White Day... White Day is basically valentines day but the girls gives guys chocolates. I don;t know what you think but I think taking out a chair and then letting Yuko stand on it for a couple of seconds so she can feel tall for once is kinda weird... since for about 20 secs they just had to dance around the chair 0.o
But this song wasn't bad either~

MC 3.

Doing the first half of the MC we have: Tanamin, Reinyan, Sae, Ushi, Sayaka, Tomochin,Yonechan and Misato
The other members change while they're doing the MC 
They expose dirty secrets on each other hehe. [no seriously 0.0]
Due to my limited understanding the only thing i really got was this..
Tomochin: Tomo.. ever since Tomo came to Team K I've been called Itano-san
[Tomochin refers to herself as Tomo]
Sayaka: Its still early...
Misato: Itano-san, Itano-san
Sayaka: Jya~ Let's try calling her Tomochin
Audience: uohhh~\
Sae: That's a good idea!
Erepyon: Lets To-rai! Let's To-rai!
[in english: let's try XD]
Misato:... Tomo-chin...san.
Erepyon: kawaii
Tomochin: wait..wait..

They start picking on Sayaka after this... something Tomochin started about Sayaka and her txts

Yuko: oi! get off the stage we wanna show off our Roman Goddesses cosplay~

They talk about something...
Miichan: Eventough Sayaka is the captain.. there's actually a behind-the-scenes leader...
*every turns and stares at Moeno*
Moeno: ehhh?! why? Why's everyone looking at me? Its not true!
Miichan: Its the first time we've worked together but she was seriously strong and scary...
[detta! 2 faced miichan.]
*Uchi nods furiously*
Yuko: I felt it too. You're quite scary...
Miichan: Yea see?
Chris (Nakatsuka Tomomi, I rembered her nick name =]):I don't think she's scary...
Miichan: You're scary too Chris.
Chris: I'm not scary...
Uchi: I think you are
Chris:*hits* what are you saying?
Uchi:see? see?
Yuko: No you're wrong! These people are scary *indicating every to the left of and including miichan*
Miichan: from here? you mean form HERE *grabs yuko and pulls her to the dark side*

Yuko decides to change the subject so she says the Onigiri is a baka.
Then they end up trying to say Natsurai Cheese is a sexy voice...
anything goes for an AKB MC.
Miichan: Please listen to our last song ' jigsaw Puzzle 48'

Jigsaw Puzzle 48

[I saw an angel <3]
Its a slow song but its really pretty. They sounded like angels~
My favourite Group song.

---------------------------------------------------------wota encore call----------------------------------------------------

Hoshizora no Mistake

 The title means Mistake of a starry sky. Its a happy song. 
The back beat of this is really catchy..but it sounds familiar... 
My 2nd favourite group song
You've probably noticed that this summary is getting sloppy.. that's because I'm getting sleepy do bare with it yea?

Ume no Kane

 [detta. Sayaka's Mushi no Ballad face.]

The title means the Dream's Bell. Its another Team K styled song ^^
A quick costume change and this song easily the sexiest song in the stage ^^
 My 2nd favourite group song.

MC 4.

Sayaka: Thankyou for the encore
Everyone: Thankyou!

The talk but I don;t know what they're saying so yea....NEXT.


The title means I have moved (changed address). Its a happy farewell song 


So how was it really?

well you really should just DL it and see for yourself

I've watched it twice in a row and I still think Its AWSOME.

and my INFINITY DVD has been shipped! (should arrive in 2 weeks or so)

well then goodnights or morning I don't know what time it is anymore...